Thursday, October 28, 2010

Bad "A" boys, a bad "A" girl and a bad "A" movie!

     Some of you may remember The Kinks they sang that song... you know that song, the song! "Lola la la la la Lola..."! No it doesn't feature Kanye West! Anyway, I found this super rock star picture of them. Pretty sweet huh?
    Moving on! The Kinks wrote one of my most favorite songs ever! Its called Nothin' In This World Can Stop Me. It just so happens that one of my most favorite directors ever used this song in one of his movies, that now happens to be one of my most favorite movies ever! Here is that scene, that happens to be one of my most favorite scenes in the movie, with the song in it...

    So after The Kinks made that sweet song and after Wes Anderson used that song in his super sweet movie, a super bad "A" girl named Feist covered that song live, and blew my mind grapes!

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